CPD Launch & Learn Sessions
Our TLV & Fulton CPD courses are aimed at increasing the knowledge of consultant engineers, installation contractors, specifiers or end users responsible for selecting steam raising equipment.
Energeia Technologies provides TLV CPD courses designed to boost problem-solving and safety skills, while also offering hands-on experience and practical application of new skills.
We provide unique courses covering topics such as:
Steam basics
Trapping principles & application
Energy utilization
Steam and condensate piping design
Control theory
Waste heat management​
These specific courses can help you to:
Strengthen Your Skills - Create a strong foundation that strengthens problem-solving skills and enhances plant safety awareness by reviewing applied steam engineering principles.
Learn Through Experience - Learn interactively by manipulating product cross-sections and participating in live demonstrations that help visualize thermodynamic concepts.
Apply Your New Knowledge - Discover new ways to reduce energy costs through case studies that help quantify energy and monetary savings, and then apply these principles to your system for improved efficiency.
Fulton's CPD course provides knowledge that will increase the likelihood of correctly specifying equipment that best suits your steam demands; and provide insight that should ensure your steam boiler maintains low lifecycle costs and meets all relevant and mandatory pressure vessel and combustion requirements.
The course will enable those tasked to correctly select the most suitable steam raising product by:
Differentiating vertical tubeless boilers from steam generators, water tube steam boilers and shell and tube horizontal boilers
Differentiating vertical spiral rib tubeless steam boilers from other tubeless vertical boilers
Identifying key attributes across all generic designs, covering steam production and its key properties (steam quality determined by velocity, pressure, disengagement area, steam chest volume, height of steam space), low NOx burner technology (inclusive of relevant legislation e.g., MCPD), operational thermal stresses (boiler failures and inspection legislation e.g., SBG01)
Introducing water treatment processes and the implications of boiler failure and process downtime due to poor treatment
Identifying efficiency savings, including turndown ratios, micro modulation burner controls, etc.
Looking at total cost of ownership implications